New top selling flavour launched
Liked their sampl
Major new listing secured
The challenge
Launching into a new market, Grenade needed to reach the right kind of consumers via their sampling. Under pressure to grow the territory quickly, winning new listings and ensuring the right products were available in market would be key.
The solution
Grenade’s audience was targeted across social media to introduce the brand to drive awareness, and invite people to request a sample and try a Grenade bar for themselves.
Sampl handled the data capture and order approvals process, ensuring that samples were only shipped to approved consumers.
Samples were delivered in eco-friendly packaging for people to enjoy at their leisure. Personalised follow-up prompts highlighted stores in which Grenade is available for purchase and invited recipients to leave a review after trying their bar.
The results
The activation delivered a strong level of engagement with CRM opt-ins and a high response rate on the survey, providing a wealth of data and insight for the Grenade team including which new flavours were most appealing as well as when, where and why people would choose to purchase and consume Grenade bars.
This insight provided compelling evidence of the appetite in the market for Grenade products, helping decide which flavours to prioritise and playing an instrumental role in securing a major new listing.
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