Case Study: Dr. Barbara Sturm’s targeted sampling yields 700+ reviews and 56% opt-ins

premium skincare shoppers
marketing opt-ins

The challenge

With the launch of an important NPD, Dr Barbara Sturm needed to boost awareness, drive trial with the right consumers and generate reviews to drive conversion and product discovery. Previous online sampling activities had been shared on freebie sites which needed to be avoided to ensure a successful launch. With a busy team and multiple markets to service it was important to find a single partner that could provide an end-to-end solution.

The solution

Our ability to deliver highly targeted product sampling campaigns in more than 40 countries meant we were well placed to support the DBS team.

Sampl enabled the creation of a highly targeted sampling campaign with multiple personalised touchpoints to drive engagement and capture reviews and insight. SamplMatch helped to optimise the placement of samples into the hands of the target audience whilst filtering out people just out for a freebie.

Through our US, UK and EU fulfilment network we were able to get samples delivered to key markets, whilst our experienced team took care of everything and took the pressure off to allow the client to focus on the wider launch.

The results

The campaign was a resounding success and reached consumers in the US, UK and Germany, with four out of five samples impacting people shopping for premium skincare at least every 3 months, with 99% doing so at least every 6. Over 700 reviews were captured with over 70% intending to purchase the Serum, and a massive 56% of consumers opted-in for future marketing – providing ongoing engagement and conversion opportunities.

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